Thursday, March 18, 2021

Kay's Journal, 3/5/2021 - Reaper Errant #020 - RVE Special!

Kay’s Journal, 3/5

<The first page is singed and burnt to unreadability. Apparently, there was an accident at the campfire. The narrative picks up mid-entry on the next page.>

…the snow helped. Abran went looking for tracks that we could follow, and found a trail left by a wolf. We followed that, found some bear tracks and also some blood. I saw a spot where the snow was disturbed and it looked like some bones might be piled. There, we find the body of an adult male with a very strange looking wound to his head. It didn’t look like a normal weapon. Maybe some kind of very powerful ballista?

Abran and Fathom look around for whatever hit him, and Fathom ends up climbing some rocks to get a better idea where the attack might have come from. I see an armored guy in the distance, raising his arm in Fathom’s direction. I tell her to drop.

Corncob shouts to the armored figure to hold up. He gets its attention. Corncob and Abran move toward it, while I move behind one of the rocks for cover.

The figure says something in an unrecognizable language, and something shoots from his hand toward Corncob. I guess the figure is not holding up. Pujol tries casting a spell to communicate with it, but no dice there, either. The figure doesn’t respond; it’s like the spell couldn’t connect with it. Corncob moves closer still and tries to tell it that we could best it in combat, but that’s not our fist choice.

Abran moves in closer as well, and shoots at the figure. He damages it, but the figure doesn’t bleed, nor does it react like there’s a person in that armor. He does see strange, multi-colored ligaments and tendons in the arm. Looks like it’s some kind of golem or construct. Great…more golems.

We keep fighting. Gooseneck gets hit with its weapon, then rages and hits it with his lighting aura, which seems to be particularly effective against this golem. It falls.

Gooseneck searches the remains. It’s all metal and those weird colored fibers inside. We’re still thinking golem, but Fathom doesn’t sense any magic. Weird. Corncob looks at its feet so he’ll be able to recognize the tracks it left. It does look like there’s some precious metals in there, so we take those. Pujol takes a close look at the weapon arm, and sees some gears and levers in there, as well as some small metal projectiles.

Abran and Corncob look for tracks, and find some leading toward where the light in the sky hit ground. We follow the golem’s tracks to an area where a number of trees were knocked down around a large furrow dug into the earth. We circle the area, looking for tracks or anything else to be concerned about before we go in. Corncob notices the dirt that’s been dug up must have been hit very hard, and whatever hit it must have been very hot as the furrow is scorched.

Abran sees some child-sized footprints heading into what looks like a round metal door going into the ground. The door is sealed, but there’s a latch that can be used to open it. Pujol tries using a spell to move the latch, but that doesn’t work. He tries it himself, and that does. We find a rope hanging down into the interior of the..cave?...that the child probably used to climb down.

Corncob spikes the hatch open, and notices large scratch marks on the metal, like something was dragged in.

The floor is metal, like armor. We see a glowing rune on one wall, and hear a voice speaking. At first the language it speaks is unrecognizable, but over the next minute or two we all start hearing it in our native language.

This place is weird.

The voice says “Implant not detected, delivering nanites’, and then a spray of some kind shoots out of the wall near where Fathom is inspecting the glowing runes. Looovely.

Fathom knocks on the wall and asks where the child is. A map shows up on one of the walls, like some kind of illusion magic. We won’t be able to take the map with us, but apparently, we can get it to show up on other walls. From the map, it looks like some areas of this weird metal cave are damaged. We head out for one of the undamaged looking rooms.

We move up to the room, and Fathom has the wall bring up the map again. Abran opens the door to the room and tries stealthing in, but the lights all pop on as soon as he enters. The room is mostly empty, but there are a few things of interest. Abran goes over to a work bench and finds some mini blacksmithing tools. Fathom takes them. Fathom asks the wall where the bear is, and it says the bear is in the north section of the complex. She asks if it’s still alive, and it is. Corncob suggests we try to make friends with it.

Pujol and Corncob find some strange metal weapons, somewhat like what the metal golem had. Fathom has them show them to the wall spell, and ask it for instructions on using it. It shows them diagrams and tells them how to use the weapons.

Pujol has the wall spell show him the map again, and we head to one of the central rooms to look for Billy. We go to the room, open the door, and find two more golems inside. Once runs up to Abran and tries to grab him, but he dodges out of the way. Those up close to the door start fighting the metal golems. Pujol tries using his new weapon, but apparently wasn’t paying quite enough attention to the instructions. When he fires it, he sprays the projectiles everywhere.

I turn to watch the hallway behind us in case the ruckus we are making attracts attention. Sure enough, after a few more seconds it sounds like something is approaching. As the others take down one of the golems, the bear starts rushing down the hallways behind us to attack. I shoot it, but it has little effect. Corncob takes it down. Fathom asks the wall if it can turn off the golems; it says it can, but only if provided with the security code.

Once the other golem is taken down, Abran goes in and searches the room. He finds another weird weapon, but this one is longer than the ones Pujol and Corncob grabbed.

We head to the other undamaged rooms shown on the map, and they turn out to be some kind of medical area. The child is on a table inside. There’s a golem in there with him, standing by. The wall says Billy is getting an implant.

We break the window in the door, and Pujol gets the robot inside to stop the procedure. We go in, examine Billy, and find he’s got a wound on the back of his head, but it’s mostly healed.

Billy wakes up and tells us he got the implant so he could use some weird goggles he found in the caves. Lovely. Right then, the lights dim, and we leave.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Kay's Journal, 2/5/2021, Reaper Errant #19

Kay’s Journal – 2/5

  • 1170 XP
  • 500gp
  • 2 gems @200gp ea.
  • 1 pot healing balm, 5 doses

We’re still in the church with Sora the shapeshifter and the mayor. Corncob and Gooseneck negotiate with the mayor for more pay for this job, and the mayor offers a couple of gems worth 200gp each. They push for more, but either he’s got a great poker face, or that’s really all he can offer.

Fathom and Abran are reading through the books Sora had stacked about to try to learn more about the golem, while Corncob tries once again to get more details from Sora. He learns that she found the amulet she was wearing in Aubrey’s room, but that’s all she gives up.

We consider what to do next, and what to do with Sora. We turn her over to the mayor in return for her answering questions for us truthfully. With that bargain struck, she tells us there are two amulets. The one she has will cause flesh zombies to be made from bodies in the graveyard. The other amulet is with Aubrey in the crypt, and allows control of the stone golem. Sora was having the flesh golems steal stuff that she could sell for a profit later. She showed us a cache of the things her minions had stolen from the townsfolk; it was around 500gp worth of stuff. There was some discussion about whether we should keep that as ‘payment’ or give it back, and eventually it was agreed we’d give it back.

Pujol started working with the zombie amulet, so that he’ll be able to control his own dead guys. Ick.

The town guards take Sora to a house with a basement; this is apparently their jail. Corncob spikes the basement hatch shut.

We have a plan: Corncob, Gooseneck, Pujol, and Fathom will try to lure the stone golem out of the crypt and keep it distracted while Abran and I sneak in to the crypt to look for Aubrey and/or the amulet. Pujol has become friendly enough with the amulet that he manages to summon two flesh golems. He sends them in to the crypt to find the stone golem and lure it out. 

Useful, but still yuck.

Abran and I hide near the crypt entrance, waiting for the stone golem to come out. It’s not long before we hear the stone-on-stone grinding of the golem approaching. 

The flesh golems come out of the crypt, with the stone golem close behind. Corncob goes over to the corner of the graveyard and starts casting a spike growth spell, hoping that will help trap the stone golem up here as well as damage it. Once the stone golem has passed up, Abran sneaks down into the crypt, and I follow. Since he can see in the dark and I can’t, he stays a fair bit ahead of me. Abran moves forward slowly, looking for traps and other troubles.

Pujol has his flesh golem run over to the corner that Corncob has prepared, and sure enough, the stone golem follows. Gooseneck and Fathom move in with Corncob. Corncob casts a growth spell on the corner to try to block the golems in, while Pujol has his golem smack the stone golem with a headstone.

Abran comes to a doorway that looks like it’s trapped. He summons a spirit in the shape of an ostrich and sends it through the doorway. The eye runes on the doorway glow, and the ostrich is almost turned to stone, but shakes it off. Abran thinks the holy symbol on the amulets can probably pass through the trap safely.

Outside, the stone golem immediately turns back toward the crypt. Pujol’s golem, Fathom, and Corncob all attack the golem. Fathom sets off a fireball – that’s new! They all do damage but it doesn’t seem to distract the stone golem away from returning to the crypt. Gooseneck wonders if everyone should head down into the crypt now.

Abran sprints back to the crypt door to get Pujol and his amulet. Gooseneck, on his way down, meets Abran at the entrance.

Corncob, Fathom, and Pujol’s golem keep attacking the stone golem, but by then Abran’s ostrich spirit had crossed through the doorway again, turned to stone, and this somehow strengthened the stone golem. 

Pujol comes down into the crypt. Abran grabs him and runs back to the trapped doorway. Unfortunately, the stone golem is also making his way down into the crypt. Gooseneck, Corncob, and Fathom keep attacking it, but it doesn’t slow it down at all. 

Abran gets Pujol to the medusa door, and Pujol runs through. It looks like that disarms the trap completely. The stone golem, still by the crypt entrance, disappears, sinking in to the ground. It reforms right in front of me at the medusa door. Oh, yay.

Abran pulls me away from the golem and then shoots a couple of arrows at it. Gooseneck, Corncob, and Fathom all run through the hallway, trying to get to the golem. In the room past the medusa door, Pujol strips down and then slathers himself with the healing balm he’s carrying, hoping it will make him slippery enough to get through the small gap in the pile of rubble blocking the door into the room where we think Aubrey is. Amazingly, he wiggles through. 

The stone golem hits Abran, and he backs away. Gooseneck gets there at about that time and rngages with the golem. I stay behind him and get out a healing potion, ready to dump it down his throat when he inevitably gets knocked down. Fathom and Corncob get there about then, and also attack the golem.

Past the rubble, Pujol runs over to Aubrey and puts the last dose of healing balm on her. It seems to help some, stabilizing her for the moment. 

Sure enough, the stone golem his Gooseneck, and he goes down. I dump the potion down his throat…and then the stone golem shuts down. Aubrey must have found the other amulet.

Pujol has his flesh golem clear the rubble out of the blocked doorway, and we give Aubrey some food and water. Once everyone is recovered enough, we leave the crypt. Pujol sends his golems back to their rest.

Unsurprisingly, it takes Aubrey a few days to recover. As a token of gratitude, she gives us another container of healing balm, this one with 5 doses.

After spending those few days in the town, we continue our journey north. One evening just a short way outside of town, as we settle in to camp for the night, we see a blazing fireball cut through the sky, following along the path of the river.

I’m sure it’ll be fine.